Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I know it's been a long time coming for a new blog post around these parts! The team at Joie Mag has been discussing and praying about the future of Joie Mag. Because of new jobs, new family members and new life goals, we've decided that it is best for us not to publish any more magazine issues of Joie. We are sad for this change, but very grateful for the time we had to write the blog and magazine, and collaborate with some amazing women. Thanks for being with us on this journey.

Monday, October 19, 2015

4 Creative Wedding Gifts

For a lot of engaged couples, it seems like one of the most anticipated part of the wedding planning process is registering for things you'll need to start a new life together. Aka: wedding gifts! My husband and I went through the registering process, which, admittedly was really fun for him and overwhelming for me, ha! We picked out all the practical kitchen appliances, home goods and other odds and ends that we thought we might need. And luckily, we received most of the things we registered for as gifts, which was a huge blessing to our newly married life. 

Now, as helpful and practical as those registered gifts were, there were some gifts that stood out particularly because they were so different and creative compared to the store bought gifts. I wanted to share some of those ideas, along with others, so that you'll be able to give these fun gifts to your friends when they get married! 

Garden Starter - Help your friends get a head start on their indoor or small patio garden!
- potting soil + assorted pot sizes
- a variety of flower, herbs and veggie seeds
- a hand shovel and rake
- a vintage watering can
- gardening gloves

Tea Set - A romantic gift for the tea or coffee lovers in your life
- two unique mugs
- a serving tea pot
- a pretty platter (DIY it!)
- a variety of teas + coffees
- biscuit or scone baking mix

Italian Date Night Basket - A special dinner for two, all in one basket
- a big basket
- two kinds of pasta 
- two kinds of sauce 
- a nice bottle of wine 
- a gift certificate to their local bakery to buy fresh loaf of bread

Fun + Games - Bringing it back to the good ol' days with some childhood fun!
- a board game (or two!) from childhood
- variety of penny/movie candies
- a DVD set of their favorite cartoons 
- bubbles and/or sidewalk chalk 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

{Allow Time for Spontaneity}

My husband and I just celebrated our third year of marriage (yay!). We've learned a lot this year as a couple, but I want to share one of my favorite and most practical lessons. This is something we have learned only in the last couple months: to not plan every single minute of our days. We learned to allow time for spontaneous adventures (or relaxing afternoons, because you never know what you'll need!) and it's really been a game changer for our relationship and happiness. 

Take Sundays for instance: a day when, usually, we go to church and already have plans to hang out with friends or family afterward. Then it's a trip to the grocery store and an evening of chores (or maybe I catch up on a little work). It's very planned, and although helpful and productive, it's the same. Every Sunday. 

One Sunday after church, we decided to do nothing and see where the day took us. We went to get coffee and decided right then and there to go on a two mile walk around a nearby lake - just because we could! We had time! We didn’t have anything else planned! (Fun fact: this was the very day we learned this lesson!) Guess what, it was my favorite day of that month. I remember it vividly. I remember what we talked about and what the weather felt like. It was like we reset our weekend and really took in all the goodness. Because we had time to.

So friends, plan time to be spontaneous. It’s good for your heart. 

- Stephanie

Thursday, June 4, 2015

{Step Toward Your Dream} Ariel Kuhn

“The size of the dream isn’t what matters. I believe everyone has God-sized dreams. It’s not about how big or small they are, because he creates each one to perfectly fit your heart. Your dream might be to move across the world and start a nonprofit organization that cares for orphans – what looks like a grand adventure in the world’s eyes. Or your dream might be to stay right in your small town and raise your kids so they grow into strong men and women – what looks like something fairly ordinary in the world’s eyes. Both matter equally, both are God-sized dreams. It’s not about what you do as much as how you do it. It’s about pursuing life with passion and purpose and going with God wherever he leads. It’s about not settling. It’s about tenaciously believing you’re made for more.” -You’re Made For a God-Sized Dream, Holley Gerth

Does that quote strike a nerve in you?  I had to ask what it meant to me. What kind of dreams do I have, what kind of life do I want to lead? If I look back through my old journals, over and over again I said I want to be married – that was my biggest dream. But I also (very tentatively) would have said I want to be a photographer. While I’m at it – I want to be a writer, a good friend, well-dressed, a speaker, a teacher, a tea-drinker (I try so hard to like it, but I just don’t), a painter, a photographer, an avid reader. Can all of those count as dreams? Yes. Do I have to choose one? No.

In my experience, as long as you are willing to knock and have an earnest heart, God will be there to open a door. I went from a dazed college student not knowing what I wanted to do, to being married and starting a business and I can say with absolute certainty it looked nothing like I thought it would. Dreams have a way of winding around and around, but one day you look up and realize the small steps and the perseverance got you to a place better than you could have pictured a year, 5 years, 10 years ago. Here are some practical steps you can take -

#1: Take 10 minutes and think.

Think and don’t interrupt yourself with thoughts of what you could be doing, what you have to do tomorrow, or what strange noise is coming from your engine. Think about your dreams. Big or small. For you or others. Need help thinking of some? Pray about it. Pray about your strengths. Ask close friends. What do you love to do? What energizes you? What makes you feel like you’re doing something worthwhile?

#2: Write them down.

Whatever it is – silly sounding, huge, small (God can make incredible things from what we dismiss), impossible…write it down. You could make a dream board – a cork board with pictures cluttered on it; magazine and personal pictures that depict what your dreams are – big or small. Make the board, put it somewhere you will see it often, and challenge yourself every day to do something to get closer to one thing on there. Simple or complex. Easy or hard.

#3: Tell someone.

After you’re thought about, written down, and/or made a board about what you may want to do or get better at – tell someone. Surround yourself with the people who believe in your dreams. Encouragement from others is huge, and they can keep you on track.

#4: Find someone already doing it.

How valuable in my life have I found people who have walked a path before me and are willing to share their experience? It’s absolutely priceless. If you want to be a mom/photographer/blogger, then find someone already doing that. If you want to be a personal trainer/watercolor artist/triathlete, I’m sure you can find someone that is already on that mission. If you want to be an astronaut/foster mom/doctor/dog walker…well, I’m sure you can find someone doing at least one of those things. Just find someone willing to invest in you and it’ll be worth the step out to ask.

#5: It’s scary, but don’t be afraid.

People fail. It’s a way of life – we aren’t perfect, therefore why should we expect ourselves to be? Jump in. Some dreams aren’t for right now, so be patient. However, there are some that are for now but in your mind “it still isn’t the right time” because you may be scared.

Jasmine Star, a photographer & blogger, said to ask yourself – what’s the worst thing that could happen if this doesn’t work? If you’re okay with that worst case scenario, then what do you have to lose?

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

words by Ariel Kuhn

Monday, May 25, 2015

{Like-Minded Community}

"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." Hebrews 10:24-25
Over the last month or so, God has very clearly reminded me that we need to be in community with like-minded people. He has reminded me in a variety of ways, most recently, though, in the form of a couple of friends stepping up their prayer and marriage examples for Nate and I.

If you have these types of friends, hold on tight. Cherish them. These are the friends with whom we should want to spend most of our time. The friends who are truthful, kind, loving, and unashamed of the Gospel. This is not to say that we can't be witnesses of God's love to other friends who need Him. What I'm talking about right now is the people who we see most often and the people with whom we form bonds should have similar beliefs and mindsets on God, life and family.

Us humans are easily influenced, this isn't news. Whatever we spend our time doing (or who we spend it WITH) comes through in our personalities and our attitudes. And we want to be like Christ, right? Well, we need help with that, and God gave us friends.

Here are some ideas about the people with whom we should want to be spending our time, and the type of friend we should want to be: (and you can vice-versa all these phrases):

Surround yourself with friends who aren't afraid of give-and-take.
Be the friend who makes people feel comfortable about sharing their stories.
Surround yourself with friends who make you want to be a better person.
Be the friend who listens intently.
Surround yourself with friends with whom you can discuss the tough questions.
Be the friend who invites people over and doesn't mind if they stay until midnight.
Surround yourself with friends who teach you and lift you up.
Be the friend who gives generously.

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." James 5:15


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

{Pre-Wedding Pep Talk}

I know many couples getting married this summer and fall. Hoards of wedding advice and marriage tips are probably being tossed your way right about now, between bridal showers and in-laws and church friends and wedding blogs. I am sure most of the advice is valid, but remember that each marriage, each couple, each LIFE is very, very different. So instead of being overwhelmed (or thinking "Wow, I need to apply every piece of advice to my life RIGHT NOW") thank each person for their thoughts and tuck it away for when you really need it. 

That being said, I wanted to share a Bible verse that is really important to me and my husband. Think of this as a little pep-talk. Ephesians 4:2 - "Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each others faults because of your love." It's hard to always live like that, but remember that the Word of God is true and it keeps us in check with where our hearts are. Marriage is a balance of giving. You give your love, your time, and encouragement. And it might seem like a lot, but if you are each giving each other equal amounts of everything, you'll both be getting just what you need! 

<3 Stephanie

Monday, May 18, 2015

{I Know that “I Know,” but really I don’t..} Brittany Stites

...because if I did, I wouldn’t have needed to be reminded.


     Have you ever had those moments where the stress is crushing and the anxiety clouds your brain like a thick fog? So many pressures, thoughts and emotions all at once! And all you want to do is crawl into a deep dark hole where nobody can find you, not even your own thoughts?  This is me more often than I would like to admit, being controlled by the fruitless things around me instead of allowing Jesus’ peace to fill me.
     What usually brings me from my state of selfishness are simple words from others. Words that I would have known and even said to somebody else in their own time of distress. But when the waves are rolling in, pounding my body to limpness, I so easily forget and am in need of a loving and graceful reminder.
     The first starts with a ring on my finger and my Mom. It was a bright and beautiful day, I was 19 (I know, so young!) and I was home for the summer from school. But first let’s take a look two years prior. This really amazing and handsome guy finally asked me to be his girl! And from that moment on I knew we would be together forever.  Jokingly, we had discussed that within two years’ time we would be engaged. Well, those two years had passed and we were thinking we were about ready.
     Now let’s get back to that beautiful summer’s day. My mom and I had struck up a small conversation about marriage and the words “You have to give your Dad and I at least a year’s notice.” came confidently from my mother’s mouth. I freaked. What was a girl to do? I was planning on a 3 month engagement! So with a bit of sass, I quickly responded, “Well then! Here it is! Plan on next summer!”

     With much grace my mom said, “Brittany, you must have a ring on that finger when you tell us.” (Are you kidding me! Engaged for a whole year!!! How is a young couple going to even survive 3 months!) I panicked, the fog rolled in and all I wanted to do was scream! After a ton of push back the tears began to flow; how would we beat temptation knowing we were to be married? Then I was reminded. “It’s going to be okay.” (Mom, you’re the best!) These words; so simple and small, made a world of a difference in a nervous and scared 19 year old girl. Within seconds Jesus filled me with peace. We could do it!
     The second, a fight with my husband and a choice to never look back. I believe my husband and I fight in one of the worst ways. When one of us gets frustrated with the other our initial response is to shut down, becoming tensely quiet with only sarcastic remarks to cut the silence. This will continue to happen, getting worse by the minute until either something is said or tears (usually mine) are shed.      With this in mind let’s take it back to Christmas Eve 2014 (yep, four and a half months ago). There had been a lot of pressure, stress and anxiety piling up for about three months as we were in transition of moving to Oakland, currently living at my in-laws’ house, with a job that paid less than half of our bills. And it didn’t help when I chose to throw around my frustration in regards to the fact that Christmas Eve wasn’t what I wanted or expected. We eventually found time to ourselves in a place where we were able to openly communicate, forgive, and verbally express our love for one another. Shortly after, my husband grabs hold of me, looks deep into my eyes and says, “I am so thankful for these moments. I hate them, but I am so thankful because we get to display the Gospel to each other by forgiving and giving grace.” (I know, wow!) I haven’t looked back; every time my husband and I sin against each other we get the opportunity to forgive, love and give grace.
     In the third recent memory, something was wrong with my daughter (and we don’t have health insurance!) My whole life I have had the luxury of being able to directly communicate with my doctor or make an appointment anytime I wanted. But 3 weeks ago something was wrong with my daughter and I no longer had that luxury. I didn’t even know if we had health insurance or how it worked if we did. I was at a loss and my daughter needed something I couldn’t give her. I was full of fear, trying to keep my cool and scared to death for her. Then my husband reminded me, “Babe, remember she is God’s daughter first and we have the privilege of borrowing her.” I needed these words. Every day we tell Summer “I love you, and Jesus loves you even more.” But in that moment of feeling helpless I needed to be reminded that God loves her and will take care of her far better than I ever could and I am blessed to borrow her for the time being no matter how long or short it may be.

     As women, we’ve come to learn a lot through the unlimited resources of this day in age, as well as through our own life experiences. Yet, sometimes we become so clouded by stress and pride that we forget the very things that have been embedded in our hearts. I urge you, when somebody you respect speaks to you with grace and love, grab hold of every word and allow Jesus to work it within you. You will be amazed at the peace and clarity he will give you even when you are in your deep and dark hole.

*We were able to see a doctor the following morning and get tests/ results back within one week; everything came up clear!

words by Brittany Stites

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday Round-Up: How I Sing My Worship

     By this point in my life, it shouldn't be surprising to me that my most intimate moments with God always fall in conjunction with music. I've fueled a passion for singing for years and years, and now make a living leading music for the local church. A deep love for music inhabits my soul and yet I can find myself at times dissatisfied with the offerings of the pop-Christian music industry. Confession: I don't always love the newest Chris Tomlin track or the latest Hillsong album. Gasp! Does their music proclaim truth? Yes. Does it honor God? Yes. Does it at times sound formulaic and repetitive? Oh yes. Obviously what's most important are the first two questions, right? I totally agree. But there are times, in my own personal worship and when planning services for the church, when I'm left wanting more than synth-heavy, sing-at-the-top-of-my-lungs, overly-climactic bridge type songs. Sometimes, I want something quieter. Possibly something less emotionally charged. Maybe even a fresh arrangement of an old hymn. 

     Of course, there are endless ways to worship the Lord through song and there isn't one right way to do it. Chris Tomlin and Hillsong have given us an incredible worship music repertoire that is going to bless future generations forever, and I am extraordinarily grateful for the way God is using them to honor Him. Today though, I'd love to leave you with some incredible worship songs that aren't necessarily fitting into the CCM mold. I hope these are refreshing for you and bring you close to the God who is worthy of all our praise. 

1. Only Name - We the Union

2. Blessed Assurance - Elevation Worship
(Granted, this has an epic bridge, but the fresh rendition of the beloved hymn is beautiful.)

3. Though You Slay Me - Shane and Shane
(An incredible song to teach a congregation in response to tragedy and suffering.)

4. Run To You - The Ember Days

5. Tis So Sweet - Jadon Lavik

6. Out of Hiding - Steffany Gretzinger
(This. Don't just listen to it once. It's life-changing, friends.) 

     These 6 songs are just a snippet of the music that's constantly being created out of love for God. You can check out the albums associated with each song to see the beauty these artists have produced as a reflection of God's grace. For some equally amazing (but notably less congregational) music, check out Josh Garrels, Andrew Ripp, Audrey Assad, and Shawn McDonald. 

Happy music listening to y'all!
~ Sarah Elyse