Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dear Friend

You lovely, sweet, funny friend who called me up yesterday just to say hi. You are one of the most generous women I know, and one of the hardest-working, too. Always striving to learn more and help people, and always while doing the work of the Lord in your every day life. An inspiration! Deep into our conversation yesterday, amongst telling me of your amazing life news, you mentioned a few things that got me thinking. 

"I feel like I need to meet someone and then life can start."

Dear Friend, your life is now! You are doing great things with your passions and talents, and I'm so proud of you. You are you. You will be you whether you're dating someone or not. Look around at all your beautiful family and friends and realize that life has been happening for quite a while! You are God's perfect creation and He has planned the best life for you. He has called you to do amazing things during this season. Dig deep into His word and stay focused on Him like I know you are!

"Everyone is getting married!" 

Dear friend, you're a young lady who grew up in a Christian home and in the Church. Let's be honest. At some point it is going to feel like everyone is getting married. Or that every notification on Facebook is an engagement announcement. Friend, you are not running out of time. There is no cutoff age for 'marriage eligibility'. God will bring you the perfect man in His time, even if it's not until you're 32 and you feel like that's too old. It's not! My uncle got married for the first time when he was 51. He and his wife are no less than the absolute perfect match for each other. God hears your prayers for this desire of your heart and He will fulfill it when the time is right.

"I'm just jealous of all you married friends who have everything figured out!" 

Dear Friend, if I have ever alluded to having everything figured out, I'm sorry. I think I can apologize for all of us 'married friends'. We are regular! Yes, we happened to find our better halves early in life, but please believe me when I say that doesn't mean we have everything figured out! We're struggling with time management, making car payments and trying to find the perfect career. Just like most of the world. Marriage doesn't automatically make life perfect. It makes life sweet, but not 'figured out.' Marriage is work, just like any other part of life!

Dear Friend, I don't know if these words will help. I hope they do! But if you're still feeling defeated, please, let me pray for you. That you see your worth as a single, strong, dedicated woman of the Lord. And that God will fill you with peace during the season of life! Lots of love.

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