Monday, August 25, 2014

{Devotional} Overcoming the noise

Life is always noisy. There are so many things that vie for our attention and pull our eyes from eternity to the everyday struggle. This clutter and chaos can be overwhelming, and deafening. It becomes hard to wade through the excess in order to hear the voice of the Lord. I find this happening often in my life. It starts small - the volume turned on just barely so that my subconscious only is aware of it. Then it gradually gets louder and louder until I can't hear anything other than the woes and challenges of life. It drowns out the joy of the Lord which often is accompanied by His still small voice. 

I want to make it a habit of identifying the noise for what it really is. Distraction. Misguidance. Lies. 

I've found nothing better (other than reading Scripture and being in intentional prayer) of combating this noise than music. It can quiet my spirit, convict my heart, and uplift my soul in magnificent (and I would argue, miraculous) ways. Check out the new album The Undoing from Steffany Gretzinger at Relevent Magazine's featured streaming. It's unreal. It's truth and honesty and rawness and love and passion written into fresh, beautiful melodies. I find myself listening and hearing the Lord speak directly to my heart. 

Let the sound of truth drown out the noise of the world for a change. I dare you. 
- Sarah Elyse

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